
Head To Turkey For Quaint Versions

Cuisines across the world have evolved by the means of cross-cultural influences. Sweet Pua or Gul Gule that we have in India is made using the same batter as that of pancakes. Pancakes, a British specialty is somewhat similar top Crepes that is a French delicacy.

Turkish cuisine displays a dark streak of Ottoman cuisine. It has many elements from Circassian, Central Asian, Caucasian, Middle Eastern, Balkan and Greek cuisines. Turkish cuisine itself has influenced food of neighboring countries like including those of Southeast Europe (Balkans), Central Europe, and Western Europe.

My recent trip to Turkey gave me a chance to relish their global cuisine and I found so many different foods which are inspired from other countries. Have a look!

Lahmajoun pronounced as lahmajun is a round, thin piece of dough topped with minced meat, chopped veggies, herbs, cayenne pepper, paprika, cumin, and cinnamon, etc. baked to perfection. It is popularly known as Turkish Pizza. It is a baked in a wood burn oven. The base of this Turkish dish is very thin, similar to the thin crust Italian pizza. But unlike Italian pizza,, it is made using only one style with a specified set ingredients. Minced meat being the prime ingredient.  It’s a delight for meat lovers.

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